The Federal Government has amended Notification No. SRO-594(I)/2009 dated 25th June, 2009 as follows:
2. In aforesaid Notification, in the preamble, for the full stop, at the end, a colon shall substituted and thereafter the following proviso shall be added, namely,
“Provided that no regulatory duty shall be levied on export of goods produced from the material imported (except locally procured material) under the facility of DTRE as provided under sub-chapter 7 of chapter XII of the Customs Rules, 2001, or the scheme of manufacturing bonds as licensed under chapter XV of the said Rules”.
3.This Notification facilitates exporters by withdrawing regulatory duty on (lead) goods manufactured from imported raw materials.
Riffat Shaheen Qazi
Member (FATE) / Official Spokesperson, FBR