FBR has received about 800,000 returns of income/statements till 16-12-2013, which are considerably more than the 711,000 returns/statements received last year. In this way, a positive response to the taxpayer facilitation efforts of the government has been witnessed. The number of returns filed this year will further increase, as an appreciable number of income tax returns is in pipeline, which are being filed to avail the benefits announced by the Honorable Prime Minister in his Tax Incentive Package for the business community.
Further, the taxpayers who have been granted extension in filing the returns will also file such returns within a week or two. The returns of companies closing their accounts by 30th June, 2013, are due on 31 December, 2013. In this way, it is expected that about 125,000 more returns (including about 25,000 of companies) will be filed by 31st December, 2013.
This improvement in return filing is due to an aggressive campaign launched by the FBR and its field formations this year which was aimed at education and facilitation of the taxpayers for filing the returns of income. More than 200 KIOSKs/TFCs were established throughout Pakistan on important business places/offices/Chambers where efficient staff of FBR was available for guidance and help to the taxpayers. The staff also helped the taxpayers in e-filing their returns whosesoever the taxpayers were not having the computer/net facility or necessary expertise to file returns electronically.
The FBR stands committed to provide necessary guidance and facilitation to the taxpayers to discharge their national responsibility.
Shahid Hussain Asad
Member (Inland Revenue Policy) Official Spokesman of FBR