Bill Of Lading Tracking

Enter Bill Of Lading number here
Shipping company will be selected automatically when possible

Bill of Lading number:


Useful links

SCAC codes           Port codes              Country codes               Vessel Tracking

How it works

Bill Of Lading numbers have the format XXXX123456789…

  • We use the first 4 letters to automatically send the request to the correct company
  • If the company is not supported or you want to select a specific company you can do this manually after tracking

Supported companies

China Shipping
Double Wing Express(NYK)
Emirates Shipping Line
Hanjin Shipping
Korea Marine Transport
Mediterranean Shipping
Sinokor Merchant Marine
United Arab Shipping


Bill Of Lading Tracking help

Bill Of Lading numbers starts with a SCAC code that indicates the company the shipment belongs to.

This services makes it possible to track shipments with different companies from one place. Company is selected automatically based on the number entered.

  1. Enter number here
  2. Click button “Track with options” to track with the possibility to select a different company afterwards.
  3. Click button “Track direct” to go directly to the companies tracking service without options. If the company is not supported tracking will be executed as “Track with options”.
  4. This area contains some useful Bill Of Lading related links.
  5. In this area links to the sites of companies supported by this service can be found.

Result page

  1. The number tracked for
  2. The company the shipment belongs to
  3. Click to return to the Bill Of Lading page.
  4. The name of the company tracked for. Sometimes one will get a message that the shipment is with a different company than the owner when tracking or one may know this for other reasons. One can then get a list here and track for this company if it is supported. Please note that not all companies supports tracking of shipments they don’t own, in this case the company will not show up in this list.
  5. It is possible to override automatic selection of company, and also make some selections for when this should happen.
  6. In this area special information about the current tracking may appear.
  7. The tracking result is shown here. This is a frame that shows the tracking result page from the site of the company being tracked for.

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